Publications 2004-1990
André, P., and Antunes, P. 2004. “SAGISc: Sistema Colaborativo Para Recolha de Dados Geológicos.” in 1ª Conferência Nacional Em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina (INTERACÇÃO). Lisboa, Portugal. pp. 25–33. ISBN: 972-98464-4-8. PDF.
André, P., and Antunes, P. 2004. “SaGISC: A Geo-Collaborative System.” in Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 10th International Workshop, CRIWG 2004, San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 2004 (Vol. 3198). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. G. Vreede, L. Guerrero, and G. Marin (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 175–191. ISBN: 978-3-540-23016-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30112-7_15. PDF.
Antunes, P., Neves, N., Carrico, L., Veríssimo, P., Pinto, R., and Simões, D. 2004. “Projecto de Avaliação de Sistemas de Votação Electrónica: Resultados Da Auditoria.” FCUL. Projecto-piloto de voto electrónico financiado pela UMIC. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13775.36004. PDF.
Antunes, P., Neves, N., Carriço, L., Veríssimo, P., Pinto, R., and Simões, D. 2004. “Projecto de Avaliação de Sistemas de Votação Electrónica – Definição Do Contexto e Critérios de Avaliação.” FCUL. Projecto financiado pela UMIC. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27197.13286. PDF.
Mourão, H., and Antunes, P. 2004. “Exception Handling through a Workflow.” in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences (CoopIS) (Vol. 3290). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. R. Meersman and Z. Tari (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 37–54. ISBN: 978-3-540-23663-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30468-5_5. CORE A. h5-index 15. PDF.
Ramires, J., and Antunes, P. 2004. “Negociação de Requisitos No Modelo SQFD - Software Quality Function Deployment.” in 1ª Conferência Nacional Em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina (INTERACÇÃO). Lisboa, Portugal. pp. 35–44. ISBN: 972-98464-4-8. PDF.
Pinto, R., Simões, F., and Antunes, P. 2004. “Estudo Dos Requisitos Para Um Sistema de Votação Electrónica.” FCUL/PT. PDF.
Antunes, P., Borges, M., Pino, J., and Carrico, L. 2004. “On the Analysis of Groupware Usability Using Annotated GOMS.” FCUL/PT. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Carriço, L. 2003. “Modeling the Information Structures of Meetingware.” in Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimédia e Cooperativos (COOPMEDIA). Porto, Portugal. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Costa, C. 2003. “Perceived Value: A Low-Cost Approach to Evaluate Meetingware.” in Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use. 9th International Workshop, CRIWG 2003, Autrans, France, October 2003 (Vol. 2806). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. J. Favela and D. Decouchant (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 109–125. ISBN: 978-3-540-20117-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39850-9_10. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Costa, C. 2003. “From Genre Analysis to the Design of Meetingware.” in Proceedings of the 2003 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP). M. Pendergast, K. Schmidt, C. Simone, and M. Tremaine (eds.). Sanibel Island, Florida: ACM. pp. 302–310. ISBN: 1-58113-693-5. DOI: 10.1145/958160.958209. CORE A. h5-index 17. PDF.
Lopes, R., Rodrigues, M., Dias, A., Carriço, L., and Antunes, P. 2003. “Making XML from Hypermedia Models.” in IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003. Algarve, Portugal. PDF.
Marcos, A., Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 2003. Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimédia e Cooperativos (COOPMEDIA). Porto.
Mourão, H., and Antunes, P. 2003. “Workflow Recovery Framework for Exception Handling: Involving the User.” in Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use. 9th International Workshop, CRIWG 2003, Autrans, France, October 2003 (Vol. 2806). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. J. Favela and D. Decouchant (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 159–167. ISBN: 978-3-540-20117-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39850-9_14. PDF.
Mourão, H., and Antunes, P. 2003. “Supporting Direct User Interventions in Exception Handling in Workflow Management Systems.” in Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimédia e Cooperativos (COOP-MEDIA). Porto, Portugal. PDF.
Mourão, H., and Antunes, P. 2003. “Suporte à Intervenção de Operadores No Tratamento de Excepções Em Fluxos de Trabalho.” in 4ª Conferência Da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (APSI). Porto, Portugal: APSI. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Costa, C. 2002. “Handheld CSCW in the Meeting Environment.” in Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use. 8th International Workshop, CRIWG 2002, La Serena, Chile, September 2002 (Vol. 2440). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. J. Haake and J. Pino (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 47–60. ISBN: 978-3-540-44112-0. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46124-8_5. PDF.
Costa, C., and Antunes, P. 2002. “Evaluating EMS Value - The Case of a Small Accountancy Firm.” in 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Ciudad Real, Spain. pp. 460–466. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2002. “Integrating Two Organisational Systems through Communication Genres.” in Coordination Models and Languages. Fifth International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION) (Vol. 2315). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. F. Arbad and C. Talcott (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 125–132. ISBN: 978-3-540-43410-8. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46000-4_13. CORE A. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2002. “Evaluating MSS - A Case in the Building Construction Industry.” in 8th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). R. Ramsower and J. Windsor (eds.). Dallas, Texas: AIS. CORE A. h5-index 23. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Costa, C. 2002. “A Descriptive Framework for Electronic Meeting Systems Based on the UML Language.” FCUL/PT. PDF.
Antunes, P. (2002). “Groupware: Conceitos Fundamentais e Caracterização Dos Principais Blocos Construtivos.” FCUL/PT. PDF.
Antunes, P., Costa, C., and Dias, J. 2001. “Applying Genre Analysis to EMS Design: The Example of a Small Accounting Firm.” in Seventh International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). H. Borges, M. J. (ed.). Darmstadt, Germany: IEEE. pp. 74–81. ISBN: 0-7695-1351-4. DOI: 10.1109/CRIWG.2001.951773. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Ho, T. 2001. “The Design of a GDSS Meeting Preparation Tool.” Group Decision and Negotiation (10:1). pp. 5–25. ISSN: 0926-2644. DOI: 10.1023/A:1008752727069. ABDC A. SCIMAGO Q2. h5-index 24. CORE B. PDF.
Costa, C., and Antunes, P. 2001. “Meetings as Genre Systems: Some Consequences for EMS Design.” in Proceedings of Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN). F. Ackermann and G. Vreede (eds.). La Rochelle, France: Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology. pp. 261–263. ISBN: 90-5638-078-8. CORE B. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2001. “The Meeting Report Process: Bridging EMS with PDA.” in Third International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Setubal, Portugal. pp. 821–826. ISBN: 972-98050-2-4. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2001. “Integrating Meeting Results in Organizations (Reprint).” in Enterprise Information Systems II. Selected Papers from the Second International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Stafford, UK, 2000 (ICEIS). B. Sharp, J. Filipe, and J. Cordeiro (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN: 0-7923-7177-1. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2001. “EMS/PDA: Connecting Meetings with People in Organisations.” in Proceedings of the 24th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS). Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway. CORE B. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2001. “A Model for Organizational Integration of Meeting Outcomes.” in Contemporary Trends in Systems Development. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD). Maung K. Sein, Bjørn-Erik Munkvold, Tore U. Ørvik, Wita Wojtkowski, W. Gregory Wojtkowski, Joze Zupancic, and Stanislaw Wrycza (eds.). Kluwer Plenum. ISBN: 978-1-4613-5506-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-1341-4_26. CORE A. h5-index 10. PDF.
Monteiro, A., Soares, N., Oliveira, R., and Antunes, P. (2001). “Sistemas Electrónicos de Votação.” FCUL/PT. PDF.
Antunes, P., Marcos, A., and Grave, L. 2000. Primeiro Workshop de Sistemas Multimédia Cooperativos e Distribuidos (COOPMEDIA). Coimbra: CCG - Centro de Computação Gráfica.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2000. “Supporting the Meeting Report Process.” in Proceedings of the 23rd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS). Uddevalla, Sweden: Laboratorium for Interaction Technology, University of Trollahattan Uddevalla. pp. 1141–1150. ISBN: 0359-9470. CORE B. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2000. “Organizational Integration of Meeting Results.” in 2000 Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems International Conference (IEMS). R. Harris (ed.). Florida. pp. 169–174. h5-index 10. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2000. “Integrating Meeting Results in Organizations.” in Second International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Stafford, UK. pp. 419–423. ISBN: 972-98050-1-6. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Costa, C., Antunes, P., and Dias, J. 2000. “GDSS: Limitações e Oportunidades.” in Nova Economia e Tecnologias de Informação: Desafios Para Portugal. Selecção de Artigos Da Conferência Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação: Desafios Para o Século XXI. Lisboa, Outubro 1999. L. Tavares and M. Pereira (eds.). Lisboa: Universidade Católica. pp. 147–165. ISBN: 972-54-0019-4. PDF.
Gonçalves, N., and Antunes, P. 2000. “‘Decision Can’: A Database of Decision Cases.” in Second International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Stafford, UK. pp. 139–143. ISBN: 972-98050-1-6. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Gonçalves, N., and Antunes, P. 2000. “An Information Systems Approach to Support Decision Makers Selecting Group Decision Processes.” in Sixth International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Madeira, Portugal: IEEE. pp. 4–10. ISBN: 0-7695-0828-6. DOI: 10.1109/CRIWG.2000.885149. PDF.
Antunes, P. 1999. 5th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Cancun, Mexico: IEEE. ISBN: 0-7695-0268-7. DOI: 10.1109/SPIRE.1999.796570.
Antunes, P., and Ho, T. 1999. “Facilitation Tool - A Tool to Assist Facilitators Managing Group Decision Support Systems.” in Ninth Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS). Charlotte, North Carolina. PDF.
Antunes, P., Ho, T., and Carriço, L. 1999. “A GDSS Agenda Builder for Inexperienced Facilitators.” in Proceedings of the 10th EuroGDSS Workshop. G. de Vreede and F. Ackermann (eds.). Copenhagen, Denmark: Delft University of Technology. pp. 1–15. ISBN: 90-5638-043-5. PDF.
Carriço, L., Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1999. “Visual Reflection: Language, Action and Feedback.” in Proceedings of the Visual Languages ’99 Symposium (VL). Tokyo, Japan: IEEE. pp. 182–184. ISBN: 0-7695-0216-4. DOI: 10.1109/VL.1999.795893. CORE A. PDF.
Costa, C., Ho, T., and Antunes, P. 1999. “Facilitating Organisational Activities Using Plans and Audits.” in 1st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Setubal, Portugal. pp. 404–411. ISBN: 972-98050-0-8. CORE B. h5-index 17. PDF.
Gonçalves, N., and Antunes, P. 1999. “Organização Participada de Informação Hipertextual Sobre Cadeiras.” in 1º Workshop Computação Gráfica Multimédia e Ensino (CGME). Leiria, Portugal. PDF.
Ho, T., and Antunes, P. 1999. “Developing a Tool to Assist Electronic Facilitation of Decision-Making Groups.” in Fifth International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Cancun, Mexico: IEEE. pp. 243–252. ISBN: 0-7695-0268-7. DOI: 10.1109/SPIRE.1999.796601. PDF.
Antunes, P. 1998. “A System for Supporting and Managing Same-Time/Different-Place Group Interactions.” in Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI). L’Aquila, Italy: ACM. pp. 216–225. DOI: 10.1145/948496.948526. CORE B. h5-index 14. PDF.
Antunes, P., Costa, C., Duque, M., Guimarães, N., Jesuino, J., and Stadler, H. 1998. “On the Design of Group Decision Processes for Electronic Meeting Rooms.” in Fourth International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Buzios, Brazil. pp. 69–84. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1997. “Transforming Formal and Informal Work Processes.” in Third International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Madrid, Spain. PDF.
Guimarães, N., Antunes, P., and Pereira, A. 1997. “The Integration of Workflow Systems and Collaboration Tools.” in Workflow Management Issues and Interoperability (Vol. 164). NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, Computer and Systems Sciences. A. Dogac, L. Kalinichenko, M. Ozsu, and A. Sheth (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 222–245. ISBN: 978-3-642-63786-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-58908-9_11. PDF.
Guimarães, N., Pereira, A., and Antunes, P. 1997. “Bridging Workflow and Collaboration Tools.” in 8th EuroGDSS Workshop / 7th Mini EURO Conference. Bruges. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1996. “User-Interface Support to Group Interaction.” in Second International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Puerto Varas, Chile. PDF.
Cosquer, F., Antunes, P., and Veríssimo, P. 1996. “Enhancing Dependability of Cooperative Applications in Partitionable Environments.” in Proceedings of the 2nd European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) (Vol. 1150). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. A. Hlawiczka, J. Silva, and L. Simoncini (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 335–352. ISBN: 978-3-540-61772-3. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-61772-8_47. h5-index 13. PDF.
Penz, F., Antunes, P., and Fonseca, M. 1996. “Feedback in Computer Supported Cooperation Systems: Example of the User Interface Design for a Talk-like Tool.” in The Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Systems. D. Shapiro, M. Tauber, and R. Traunmueller (eds.). Human Factors in Information Technology, North Holland. ISBN: 0-444-81998-3. Selected papers from the 12th Schaerding International Workshop, The Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Systems held in Schaerding, Austria, June, 1993. PDF.
Antunes, P. 1996. “Organizações, Grupos e Tecnologia: Suporte Computacional a Processos de Interação e Decisão Em Grupo.” IST, University of Lisbon. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1995. “Structuring Elements for Group Interaction.” in Second Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications (CE). Washington, DC: Concurrent Technologies Corporation. pp. 327–335. ISBN: 0-9642449-1-8. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1995. “NGTool - Exploring Mechanisms of Support to Interactivity in the Group Process.” in CYTED-RITOS International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG). Lisboa, Portugal. PDF.
Antunes, P., Guimarães, N., Segovia, J., and Cardenosa, J. 1995. “Beyond Formal Processes: Augmenting Workflow with Group Interaction Techniques.” in Proceedings of Conference on Organizational Computing Systems (COCS). San Jose, California: ACM. pp. 1–9. ISBN: 0-89791-706-5. DOI: 10.1145/224019.224020. CORE B. PDF.
Cosquer, F., Antunes, P., Guimarães, N., and Veríssimo, P. 1995. “Adaptive Synchronous Cooperation over Large Scale Networks.” Lisbon: INESC-IST. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1994. “Multiuser Interface Design in CSCW Systems.” ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6360, Broadcast. Volume: 3, Systems Engineering. Chapter: 4, Cooperative Working. ISSN: 1350-2042. PDF.
Chambel, T., Moreno, C., Guimarães, N., and Antunes, P. 1994. “Concepts and Architecture for Loosely Coupled Integration of Hyperbases.” ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6360, Broadcast. Volume: 3, Systems Engineering. Chapter: 4, Cooperative Working. ISSN: 1350-2042. PDF.
Antunes, P. 1994. “Cooperative Working.” ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6360, Broadcast. Volume: 3, Systems Engineering. ISSN: 1350-2042. PDF.
Antunes, P., and Guimarães, N. 1993. “A Distributed Model and Architecture for Interactive Cooperation.” in Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS). Lisboa, Portugal: IEEE. pp. 143–149. ISBN: 0-8186-4430-3. DOI: 10.1109/FTDCS.1993.344164. PDF.
Carriço, L., Antunes, P., Guimarães, N., Pereira, A., and Moreno, C. 1992. “Support for Open Tools and Systems.” in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Europe). G. Heeg, B. Magnusson, and B. Meyer (eds.). Dortmund, Germany: Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs. pp. 301–310. ISBN: 0-13-917436-2. CORE B. PDF.
Carriço, L., Guimarães, N., and Antunes, P. 1991. “Support for Interactive Tools and Systems.” in Proceedings of the ERCIM Workshop on Distributed Systems, User Interfaces and Multimedia, Decision Support Methods and Applications. Lisboa, Portugal: ERCIM. PDF.
Guimarães, N., Carriço, L., and Antunes, P. 1991. “Ingrid - An Object Oriented Interface Builder.” in Fifth International Conference on the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS). T. Korson, V. Vaishnavi, and B. Meyer (eds.). Santa Barbara, CA: Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs. pp. 291–300. ISBN: 0-13-923178-1. CORE B. PDF.
Carriço, L., Guimarães, N., and Antunes, P. 1990. “INGRID: A Graphical Tool for User Interface Construction.” in Proceedings of the EUUG ’90 Conference. Munich, Germany: EUUG. PDF.